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Educator Author Poet
Robert John Meehan: The Voice of the American Teacher
Robert John Meehan, an esteemed educator, author, and poet, has dedicated over five decades to the field of education. His profound understanding of the teaching profession and his ability to articulate the experiences of teachers and students have earned him international recognition as "The Voice of the American Teacher".
Early Life and Career
Meehan’s journey in education began in some of the most challenging schools in the United States. His experiences in these environments deeply influenced his writing, allowing him to capture the essence of the teaching profession with authenticity and empathy. Meehan’s work is characterized by his belief in the untapped potential of every student and the pivotal role teachers play in unlocking that potential.
Literary Contributions
Meehan’s literary contributions are vast and impactful. His books, such as “The Teacher’s Journey/The Road Less Traveled” and “A Teacher’s Treasures: Bounty for All,” are celebrated for their poetic insight into the hearts and souls of both teachers and students3. His poetry resonates with educators worldwide, offering inspiration, resilience, and hope even in the face of adversity.
Themes in Meehan’s Writing
Meehan’s writing often explores themes of social justice, the importance of empathy in education, and the transformative power of teaching. He challenges conventional ideas about education, urging educators to think beyond the ordinary and to see the potential in every student. His work emphasizes the need for a compassionate and inclusive approach to education, advocating for the rights and dignity of all students.
Impact on Education
Meehan’s impact on education extends beyond his writing. As an educational consultant, he has worked tirelessly to support teachers and improve educational practices. His insights have been featured in numerous educational journals and magazines, influencing educators and policymakers alike. Meehan’s dedication to the teaching profession and his unwavering belief in the power of education have inspired countless teachers to strive for excellence in their own classrooms.
Quotes and Poems
Meehan’s quotes and poems are widely shared and cherished by educators. Some of his most notable quotes include:
“The most valuable resource that all teachers have is each other. Without collaboration, our growth is limited to our own perspectives.”
"A student's success in the classroom is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."- Robert John Meehan
'Just as the waves in the ocean come and go, no classroom challenge is lasting. We should enjoy the challenges just as we enjoy the waves.' Robert John Meehan
"Kindness is an integral segment of our human nature, we must continually strive to return it to the forefront of our human experience.' Robert John Meehan
'The roots of all teaching lie in the soil of empathy for the Pupil.' Robert John Meehan
These quotes encapsulate Meehan’s philosophy of education, highlighting the importance of collaboration, respect for the teaching profession, and the role of teachers as guides and mentors.
Robert John Meehan’s contributions to education are immeasurable. Through his writing, he has given voice to the experiences and challenges of teachers, offering them a source of inspiration and support. His work continues to influence and inspire educators around the world, reminding them of the profound impact they have on their students’ lives. Meehan’s legacy as an educator, author, and poet will undoubtedly endure, continuing to shape the future of education for generations to come.
'Our teachable moments tend to be more fruitful when we incorporate a piece of our heart rather than a piece of our mind.' Robert John Meehan
'Silence has often proven to be my most successful determinant in winning an argument' Robert John Meehan
'The roots of all teaching lie in the soil of empathy for the Pupil.' Robert John Meehan
'Kindness is an integral component of our human nature, we must continually strive to return it to the forefront of our human experience.' Robert John Meehan
'The most valuable resource that all educators have is each other. Without collaboration our growth is limited to our own perspectives.' Robert John Meehan
'Some people may mistake me for being unhappy, but I am not. I just appreciate silence in a world that never seems to stop talking long enough to listen.' Robert John Meehan
'I realized long ago that I experience two kinds of tired: one requires sleep and the other requires peace. We would all do well recognizing the difference.' Robert John Meehan
'Set your classroom expectations high, the higher the better. Expect the most fantastic things to happen, not in the future but right now! ' Robert John Meehan
'Sometimes a teacher needs to hear what the student is NOT saying.' Robert John Meehan
'I've always encouraged my students as well as my own children to look to me for advice, not because I was always right but because of the wisdom I had learned from being wrong.' Robert John Meehan
"I never dreamt that I wouldn't change the world for my students since thinking otherwise meant only that I never would." Robert John Meehan
'Sometimes I wonder if even those closest to me can appreciate the copious amount of energy reserve I require each day just to appear normal.' Robert John Meehan
'Just as the waves in the ocean come and go, no classroom challenge is lasting. We should enjoy the challenges just as we enjoy the waves.' Robert John Meehan
'Teachers are not the ones that climb the proverbial mountain so that the World can see them, Teachers climb their mountains to better cast their light.' Robert John Meehan
'Looking back, I've come to realize that the best moments in my life never made it to social media and that, if anything, has heightened their value to me." Robert John Meehan
'Our teaching should always be artistically crafted. Our teaching should always impart something that is in itself sacred to the senses of our students.' Robert John Meehan
'By nature all people are born similar, but by education each becomes unique. Are we not also commonly at liberty to choose who or what educates us? Robert John Meehan
'Our children are not tone deaf. If we continue to poison our children with the current political tone of hatred and contempt, then hatred and contempt may be all they will ever surmise.' Robert John Meehan
'When we truly care for our students, their occasional lapses in judgement should never change our feelings for them because it is only our minds that get angry but our hearts still care for them.' Robert John Meehan
'Don't struggle to be a better teacher than everybody else. Simply be a better teacher than you ever thought you could be.' Robert John Meehan
'The best teachers are those who pass on their zeal and enthusiasm as a legacy to their students.' Robert John Meehan
'Cultivate your mind's garden well in your youth, for it shall evermore be the root source of nourishment for your family's strength and well-being.' Robert John Meehan
'I've lived most of my life in my head. I've done my best to make it a pleasant place to live.' Robert John Meehan
'A school's culture resides within the hearts and souls of its leadership, teachers, staff, parents and students. A true Culture of Learning should therefore transcend the physical walls of the school and flow into the community.' Robert John Meehan
'If we teach each day with a renewed appreciation of its consequences, we'll never cease to realize the infinite possibilities within our reach.' Robert John Meehan
'Be diligent in trusting that what we are doing in the classroom today could possibly echo for a lifetime in the heart of a each student.' Robert John Meehan
"Kindness is an integral segment of our human nature, we must continually strive to return it to the forefront of our human experience.' Robert John Meehan
'Most students enter our classroom and stay for a while before seemingly fading from our memories, while others seem to linger in our hearts forever changing the way we see ourselves as educators.' Robert John Meehan
'The difference between being the teacher you are and being the teacher you want to be is separated only by what you are doing in your classroom today.' Robert John Meehan
'As I look around my school's community and wonder why somebody doesn't do something about that, I am reminded that I am that SOMEBODY.' Robert John Meehan
'One of the most difficult aspects of teaching is deciding whether to walk away from the daily anxiety or to reach even deeper into our inner spirit for additional perseverance.' Robert John Meehan
'Learning becomes relevant only when we connect it with the student's reality.' - Robert John Meehan
'No moment in life is wasted that is spent reading to a child.' Robert John Meehan
'The greatest gift that we can give each student is our own time, because when we give our finite time, we are giving a portion of our life that we can never get back. Thus every moment shared with our students must therefore be both presented and perceived as being highly valued and irreplaceable.' Robert John Meehan
'Although most would see them only as an ocean of small faces, we as teachers see them as the waves that propel us.' Robert John Meehan
As a child I never imagined that all the real monsters in the world would be human.' Robert John Meehan
'Great teachers are specialists at solving problems while they are STILL opportunities.' Robert John Meehan
'Most successful educators have accepted the evidence and have come to the obvious conclusion that many of our children simply need to squirm to learn.' Robert John Meehan
'Learning should be viewed as a form of enthusiasm transferred to the student.' Robert John Meehan
'People that allow themselves to be spoon fed by the media end up learning only the sterile tastelessness of the spoon and nothing else of any substance.' Robert John Meehan
'Today may be the day that requires you to do a little more than what normally makes you awesome! ' Robert John Meehan
'Both teachers and students function best at the speed of TRUST.' Robert John Meehan
'Teachers must be committed to learning for a lifetime before leading their students down that path.' Robert John Meehan
'Sometimes I wonder if even those closest to me can appreciate the copious amount of energy reserve I require each day just to appear normal.' Robert John Meehan
'By nature all people are born similar, it is by education that each of use becomes unique. Are we not also commonly at liberty to choose who or what educates us? ' Robert John Meehan
'Unless we eliminate the gross inequalities between all of us in real life, we should not presume that schools ALONE can compensate for them.'- Robert John Meehan
'If we are truly effective teachers, then we are creating autonomous, independent, and self directed learners.' Robert John Meehan
'Sometimes choosing the Road Less Traveled is the most advantageous to choose from in order to reach the students that wandered off the only road others may have incorrectly chosen for them.' Robert John Meehan
'Great classrooms are characterized by positive, open relationships, mutual respect, and a shared responsibility for the learning process.' Robert John Meehan
"Exemplary teachers are those teachers that can continually lay a firm foundation for learning even while using the bricks politicians have thrown at them." Robert John Meehan
'Becoming an exemplary teacher is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of the choices we make; it is not something that simply comes with teaching experience, it is something that must be purposefully achieved.' Robert John Meehan
'The distance between our lesson plans and the students' reality is dependent on our preparation and preemptive actions.' Robert John Meehan
'If we want to help children learn and develop, it is important that we don't drag or pull them - just walk with them.' Robert John Meehan
'Teamwork is the fuel that allows struggling teachers to obtain uncommon results.' Robert John Meehan
'If we continue to balance the budget on the back of the educational system, we will be paying for it for years to come.' Robert John Meehan
'EVERY student has special talents. It is our duty and privilege to find these talents and to adapt our lessons to best implement them.' Robert John Meehan
'Each day we teach we must put forth a greater effort than we think we're capable of doing, we can never limit ourselves to what kind of teacher we've been in the past.' Robert John Meehan
'The essential nature of any Teacher is rooted within our own hearts. Although an education prepares us to teach, it is the love of learning that sustains us.' Robert John Meehan
'It is shortsighted to believe that a better education for all students comes from setting up schools that exclude the very children needing the most help.' Robert John Meehan
'I choose to believe that teaching the least desired children is the most noble choice of all.' Robert John Meehan
'Critical Thinking: The purposeful reflective judgment concerning what to believe or what to do. Is this a lost art? ' Robert John Meehan
'By taking our weaknesses and translating them into positives, we will accomplish more, will live a healthier life and will make our life itself so much easier and fulfilling. Robert John Meehan
'Nothing is so fatal to the well being of our children as remaining indifferent to the education we provide for them.' Robert John Meehan
'As teachers, we have the ability to rebuild the world for our students. By our sincere efforts we can make their world more rewarding, more gratifying and perhaps... even more significant.' Robert John Meehan
'Becoming an exemplary teacher is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of the choices we make; it is not something that simply comes with experience, it is something that must be purposefully achieved.' Robert John Meehan
'The current reformers do not realize that learning is different from winning. Teachers can have the best game plan but they can't pick their teams.' Robert John Meehan
'Teachers and students always function best at the speed of trust.' Robert John Meehan
'A key to growing as an educator is to keep company mainly with educators who uplift You, whose presence inspire You and whose dedication drives You.'- Robert John Meehan
'Republicans fear caps on CEO pay and bonuses will drain talent from those jobs. Shouldn't they have the same fears about slashing teacher comp and pay? ' Robert John Meehan
'If we want to counter the effects of poverty on the achievement of children, we need to start a whole lot earlier and do a whole lot more.' Robert John Meehan
'Becoming a better teacher should be rather intuitive, simply strive to become the teacher you once needed in the past.' Robert John Meehan
'I don't know about getting rid of older more experienced teachers, but the policy should definitely be applied to elected officials.' Robert John Meehan
'We must shift the focus of our classrooms from obedience to understanding.' Robert John Meehan
'True educational change or reform is only applicable when ALL stakeholders are actively involved in its creation.' Robert John Meehan
'Inventive teachers can create life long learners but a love for learning can not be tested.' Robert John Meehan
'Affluent parents are getting the schools they want. The question is whether they'll support the schools that help other people's children.' Robert John Meehan
'When you see something beautiful in a student, let them know. It may take a second to say, but for them it may last a lifetime.' Robert John Meehan
'Emulate those teachers that once instilled the sense of wonder and curiosity that inspired you.' Robert John Meehan
'My classroom is a mixed bag of successes, pains, failures, messes, collaborations, flaws, beauty and adventures. And it's every single one of these attributes that makes it so rewarding.' Robert John Meehan
'Many education reformers have foolishly accepted at face value that teachers in lower income schools are less effective. They couldn't be more wrong.' Robert John Meehan
'Competition in education, by design, is intended to 'leave children behind.' Competition, by design, creates winners and losers.' Robert John Meehan
'A teacher needs to be ON every moment of the day, despite his/her actual state of mind.' Robert John Meehan
'Our vision of teaching often becomes blurred by the restraints of standardized tests, administrative burdens, parental complaints and lack of support.' Robert John Meehan
'As a teacher you may teach a class, but each child should still feel uniquely taught.' ~ Robert John Meehan
'As a teacher I spent a significant amount of time studying the 'art of selling' to get a better perspective of what I was trying to accomplish as a teacher. After all, aren't we in the business of getting students to 'buy into' what we are doing? ' Robert John Meehan
'True teachers illuminate the path to achievement, believing the best way to predict a child's future is to help create it.' Robert John Meehan
'Our achievements as teachers are shaped by the climate of our classrooms and the strength of our preparation.' Robert John Meehan
'Teaching is a journey... but one where it's good news when you lose your baggage.' Robert John Meehan
'Perseverance is the hard work you do in the classroom after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.' Robert John Meehan
'The purpose of education is to enlighten the student as to how to use their own mind, rather than to fill it with facts for a test.' Robert John Meehan
'Developing a desire to learn is the kindling point of all classroom achievement.' Robert John Meehan
'One teacher with a desire to teach the least desired children is equal to a force of 100 corporate education reformers who have only a passing interest in them.' Robert John Meehan
'A gifted teacher is not only prepared to meet the needs of today's student, but is also prepared to see the tomorrow in every student.' Robert John Meehan
'Chasing test scores is not the same as building and nurturing a culture of learning.' Robert John Meehan
'Children are born addicted to learning. High-stakes assessments are drumming the love of learning out of kids.' Robert John Meehan
'I choose to believe that teaching those children that are provided with the least resources is the most noble choice of all.' Robert John Meehan
'Be a reflective teacher. Honestly look at what you do from time to time. Evaluate the purpose of your role as a teacher.' Robert John Meehan
'It is the open mindedness and the seeking out of new information and practices that insures teachers continued success in the classroom.' Robert John Meehan
'Too many students don't know what success feels like, thus repeated failure is no longer scary or painful, it's become the norm. Help create the new norm.' Robert John Meehan
'The most beneficial reform is the result of people working together to make positive educational change. Become part of that process.' Robert John Meehan
'Measuring student growth and development is not like measuring the reproduction of a single model on an assembly line. It is a complex system of helping to figure out where a student is, and how to help them get where they are going.' Robert John Meehan
'Success in most political and business fields depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. Perhaps that explains why we have so many misguided education reformers and politicians.' Robert John Meehan
'I would think that the only people with whom you would ever want to 'get even with' are the teachers who inspired you to succeed.' Robert John Meehan
'Twenty years from now, your name may be forgotten...but the world will be a better place because you made a difference as a teacher.' Robert John Meehan
'A quality education requires hard work, A student may need to 'crack the books' at night instead to hanging out at the mall or watching TV.' Robert John Meehan
'It's tragic that we are mandated to turn so many eager young learners into frustrated test performers.' Robert John Meehan
'A word of encouragement during a struggle is worth more than an hour of praise after success.' Robert John Meehan
'A great teacher learns from their students, learns with them and learns for them.' Robert John Meehan
'Children require guidance and empathy as much as instruction.' Robert John Meehan
'A student's success in the classroom is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.' Robert John Meehan
'Children are accustomed to a world that often moves faster and is often more exciting than anything a teacher simply standing or sitting in front of a classroom can do.' Robert John Meehan
'The teacher who exhibits exemplary practices in an affluent suburban community may be a miserable failure in a poor urban community.' Robert John Meehan
'Culturally relevant teaching content is essential to engaging today's young people in the urban classroom.' Robert John Meehan
'Take away art, music and sports and you take away the one hook for many students that keeps them motivated and involved.' Robert John Meehan
'All teachers who have had consistent success in the classroom understand that it is not enough merely to dispense information.' Robert John Meehan
'My classroom is a mixed bag of successes, pains, failures, messes, collaborations, flaws, beauty and adventures. And it's single one of theses attributes that makes it so rewarding.' Robert John Meehan
'Both Teachers and Students will always function best at the speed of TRUST.' Robert John Meehan
'Great things begin to happen in our classrooms as we learn to give as much energy to our students' dreams as we had been giving to our own fears.' Robert John Meehan
'Solving the problems in education are actually simple. All we need is a dedicated society, knowledgeable politicians and excellent teachers.' Robert John Meehan
'Imagine if people were as passionate about education, family and harmony as they are about pop culture, sports and status.' Robert John Meehan
'Teaching to the test is sucking the joy and flexibility out of learning, all in the name of helping kids to read and write.' Robert John Meehan
'Remember the current political climate is not a reflection of YOUR self worth. You can prosper as a teacher every day and in every way.' Robert John Meehan
'Authentic student achievement cannot be measured just by test scores but also by the small day to day moments of each student's individual triumphs.' Robert John Meehan
'An education by itself is meaningless - education only takes meaning in the context of our decision on how we are going to apply it.' Robert John Meehan
'We all need to go into the classroom believing our students can and will meet and often exceed our expectations.' Robert John Meehan
'There is no greater fault in any educator, than the inability to see a student as anything more than JUST A STUDENT.' Robert John Meehan
'Sharing our experiences, our successes, our failures, is a great way to help other teachers and to contribute with educational reform.' Robert John Meehan
'Some students can be extremely frustrating, distant and downright irritating, but they are children, and should be treated as such.' Robert John Meehan
'The teacher's demonstrated attitude of respect and empathy can be a significant factor in successfully working with challenging students.' Robert John Meehan
'Make sure that your current teaching methodology is not simply packaging old wine in new bottles. Teaching today requires a whole new vineyard.' Robert John Meehan
'Children need to be challenged and pushed, not to the point where they give up but to the point where they think, 'Wow, look at me go! ' Robert John Meehan
'As teachers we believe that something must be done. We can't just sit down and wait for other people to do something.' Robert John Meehan
'Teachers are unique problem solvers by character, temperament, and resilience. Teachers can not be manufactured.' Robert John Meehan
'If a strong parent is lacking to demand excellence and instill them with a desire to get better in everything they do, then teachers must fill that role.' Robert John Meehan
'Teaching requires risk, an acceptance of uniqueness, a rejection of any form of discrimination and a penchant for analytical thought of its current practices.' Robert John Meehan
'Great teachers learn from their students, learns with their students, and learns for their students.' Robert John Meehan
'The highest respect should go to those teachers who let their actions rise above other teachers' excuses.' Robert John Meehan
'There is no classroom challenge too great for a teacher who has the will, the desire and the heart to make it happen.' Robert John Meehan
'The strength of our teaching lies in the depth of our convictions and the integrity of our goals.' Robert John Meehan
'A successful teacher can create a never ending legacy for generations to come.' Robert John Meehan
'The best teaching is not derived from some political comes only from the heart of a prepared and caring teacher.' Robert John Meehan
'The highest level of success in the classroom is only reached with a continuous commitment to excellence.' Robert John Meehan
'The most successful schools are nurtured with the cooperation of countless adults and students sharing a common vision and all working toward a common goal of extraordinary student achievement.' Robert John Meehan
'We are the many collaborators, the many minds and the many hearts working toward the common goal of extraordinary student achievement.' Robert John Meehan
'True teachers rise to the top not by chance but through passion and purpose.' Robert John Meehan
'Do your best, give your best and know that in doing so you will enhance the quality of a child's life.' - Robert John Meehan
'Think for a moment about the people who have inspired you most in your life. Chances are, one of them was a teacher.' Robert John Meehan
'Students and teachers do not exist just within a school, they exist within communities... we also need to have community improvement plans.' Robert John Meehan
'It appears that most recent 'reform' efforts are aimed at de-humanizing education. The business model for education will eventually fail us.' Robert John Meehan
'Although demanding that students test well in the absence of appropriate resources may be disheartening for teachers, it can be absolutely disastrous for students.' Robert John Meehan
'For most of us teaching is not just what earns our paycheck. Teaching is what we were put on earth to do.' Robert John Meehan
'Perhaps Congress is teaching our children a lesson: do all of your work right before it's due, then demand a pat on the back and an A+.' Robert John Meehan
'Every day that you teach you have two options: be focused, passionate and caring, or to be focused, passionate and caring.' Robert John Meehan
'As much as possible, teachers must create an environment for students where their past failures are irrelevant to the learning occurring in their classrooms.' Robert John Meehan
'We didn't go into teaching to get rich, but to enrich others.' Robert John Meehan
'Too many students don't know what success feels like, thus repeated failure is no longer scary or painful for them, it's become their norm. Help create a new norm.' Robert John Meehan
'I'm willing to wager that so very few of our students' dreams include being proficient on a standardized test.' Robert John Meehan
'Seldom will you find a person happy with their successes in life but who can't name a teacher that inspired them along the way.' Robert John Meehan
'Why else would a teacher take a crappy salary, really long hours and enduring stress to teach children unless they really loved to do it? ' Robert John Meehan
'It shouldn't matter how slowly a child learns as long as we are encouraging them not to stop.' Robert John Meehan
'When we strive to become better teachers than we are, everyone in our classroom becomes better too.' Robert John Meehan
'Teach as if what you are doing makes a difference. It does.' Robert John Meehan
'Where your talents and the needs of your students intersect, there lies your calling as a teacher.' Robert John Meehan
'To be a success in the classroom, a student's attitude is equally as important as his ability.' Robert John Meehan
'A well prepared and engaging teacher is a catalyst... a spark that creates the desire to learn in our students.' Robert John Meehan
'A teacher needs to have the vision and conviction that dreams can and will be achieved.' Robert John Meehan
'Nothing that the political education reformist mandate can match the results of a dedicated teacher in a supportive school environment.' Robert John Meehan
'True educational change or reform is only applicable when all stakeholders are actively involved in its creation.' Robert John Meehan
'Shouldn't we be as concerned as to what the student thinks as we are to what pat answer he puts on a test? ' Robert John Meehan
'A good teacher must be able to empathize what it must be like to struggle to learn something that may have come so easily to them.' Robert John Meehan
'Your career as a teacher is going to fill a large part of your life. The only way to be a truly satisfied teacher is to do it with passion and vigor.' Robert John Meehan
'If your actions inspire children to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are indeed worthy of the title Teacher.' Robert John Meehan
'Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding.' Robert John Meehan
'If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you without hesitation: I was born to be a teacher.' Robert John Meehan
'Empathy and understanding are essential concepts needed to deepen our understanding of today's youth.' Robert John Meehan
'Often we do a greater amount of good when we 'listen' to our students than when we 'teach' them.' Robert John Meehan
'Teachers change lives because of who we are as human beings: how well we listen, encourage, and help students believe in themselves.' Robert John Meehan
'We are not 'just' teachers, We are the managers of the world's greatest resource: CHILDREN! ' Robert John Meehan
'It's the little conversations that build the relationships and make an impact on each student.' Robert John Meehan
'Nothing is so fatal to the well being of our children as remaining indifferent to the education we provide them.' Robert John Meehan
'As a teacher you may teach a class, but each child should still feel uniquely taught.' Robert John Meehan
'Repeated high stakes testing has only proven that five out of four students have trouble with fractions.' Robert John Meehan
'When testing surpasses teaching as a priority education reform is on the wrong path' Robert John Meehan
'We all need to go into the classroom believing our students can and will meet and often exceed our expectations.' Robert John Meehan
'Twenty years from now, your name may be forgotten...but the world will be a better place because you made a difference as a teacher.' Robert John Meehan
'Teamwork is the fuel that allows common teachers to obtain uncommon results.' Robert John Meehan
'The strength of our teaching lies in the depth of our convictions and the integrity of our goals.' Robert John Meehan
'The best teachers are those who pass on their zeal and enthusiasm as a legacy to their students.' Robert John Meehan
'Our children need strong figures in their lives; do not allow the corporate media to provide these figures for you.' Robert John Meehan
'When we strive to become better teachers than we are, everyone in our classroom becomes better too.' Robert John Meehan
'The best collaboration time is spent talking about learning, not talking about teaching.' Robert John Meehan
"Perseverance is the hard work you do in the classroom after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did." Robert John Meehan
'We need to realize that for at-risk kids, school may not be their top priority. Listen to what is going on in their lives.' Robert John Meehan
'We should each day in the classroom teach as though that day is the one by which our students shall remember us.' Robert John Meehan
'You might be just one person to the world, but you might be the world to one young student.' Robert John Meehan
'By claiming "bad teachers" are the reason our students lag, politicians can ignore the REAL sources of poverty and inequality.' Robert John Meehan
'Imagine if people were as passionate about education as they are about pop culture.' Robert John Meehan
"Teaching children is an accomplishment; getting children excited about learning is an achievement." Robert John Meehan
'Our highest respect should go to those teachers who let their actions rise above other people's excuses.' Robert John Meehan
'True teachers illuminate the path to achievement, believing the best way to predict a child's future is to help create it.' Robert John Meehan
'Republicans fear caps on CEO pay/bonuses will drain talent from those jobs. Shouldn't they have same fears about slashing teacher pay or compensation? ' Robert John Meehan
'We must shift the focus of our classrooms from obedience to understanding.' Robert John Meehan
'Failing CEO's get bonuses. Teachers lose pensions. So we can get better teachers by increasing class size and paying them less? ' Robert John Meehan
'We need a culture that respects education, in which learning is admired and that honors the achievements of educated people.' Robert John Meehan
'Solving the problems in education are actually simple. All we need is a dedicated society, knowledgeable politicians and excellent teachers.' Robert John Meehan
'Although we may not have much control over the culture outside our walls, we can set expectations that uphold a higher standard.' Robert John Meehan
'We've worked too hard and too long to let anything stand in the way of our student's success.' Robert John Meehan
'Education requires a collective effort: the teacher, the student, the parents, and the community.' Robert John Meehan
'Education reform does not necessarily assure progress, but progress implacably requires change. As teachers, positive change has always been our goal.' Robert John Meehan
'The education reformers have become so enamored with the structure and management of education that they've forgotten about the substance of learning.' Robert John Meehan
'Great classrooms are characterized by positive, open relationships, mutual respect, and a shared responsibility for the learning process.' Robert John Meehan
'We should not lose sight of the fact the most important door a child walks through for their education is the front door of their home.' Robert John Meehan
'Teaching often requires risk, acceptance of novelty, rejection of any form of discrimination and always requires a critical reflection of its current practices.' Robert John Meehan
'Every time I see another hedge fund manager talk about school reform, I worry even more about the direction education reform is taking.' Robert John Meehan
'Our children need strong figures in their lives; do not allow the corporate media to provide these figures for your children.' Robert John Meehan
'Effective teaching involves a highly distinctive set of human interactions and skills that are not measurable by multiple choice tests.' Robert John Meehan
'Teachers must be that Trusted Beacon in the often times tumultuous sea of life in which our youth are so often set adrift.' Robert John Meehan
'Children think learning is filling in answer bubbles. The experience of learning has been replaced by multiple choice tests.' Robert John Meehan
'What keeps teachers going has largely to do with their inner lives. It is their inner spirit that makes and sustains good teachers.' Robert John Meehan
'Being a teacher has never been so much about the income: its always been mostly about the outcome.' Robert John Meehan
'As teachers we spend little time focusing on what has been accomplished; we focus mainly on what remains to be done.' Robert John Meehan
'Corp ed reformers haven't a clue as to how the lives of the children in urban schools differ from their own. More bubble tests, really? ' Robert John Meehan
'Everything we do as parents and teachers must ensure that the child's inherent desire to learn is kept alive.' Robert John Meehan
'Are our politicians ready to consider that it is our culture that is failing and that that failure is now showing up in our schools? ' Robert John Meehan
'As teachers we must adjust to the ever changing mandates but still hold to the unchanging principles that every child can and will succeed.' Robert John Meehan
'To narrow down our curriculum and focus to just what is "on the test" can take away the inquiry, passion, and joy of learning.' Robert John Meehan
'Nothing that the political ed reformist mandate can match the results of a dedicated teacher in a SUPPORTIVE school environment.' Robert John Meehan
'Most teachers can come to a general consensus that our plates are full. Working smarter, longer and harder isn't always enough.' Robert John Meehan
'Why else would a teacher take a crappy salary, really long hours and enduring stress to teach children unless they really loved to do it? ' Robert John Meehan
'Did you have a favorite teacher because he or she was able to prepare you for a multiple choice test or because he/she inspired you? ' Robert John Meehan
'Teaching should always be the result of intense preparation, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution.' Robert John Meehan
'If you make sure you know every student's ‘story' and treat each one as an individual, you will have a connection.' Robert John Meehan
'Accept no one's definition of your role as a teacher; define yourself. Never allow yourself to be made a victim.' Robert John Meehan
'Education by itself is meaningless - education only takes meaning in the context of our decision on how we are going to apply it.' Robert John Meehan
'Even the most talented teacher cannot be fully successful in a dysfunctional system over which they have little control or input.' Robert John Meehan
'Teachers are just the cause of the day which dilutes attention from the real problems of greed, money and politics.' Robert John Meehan
'Is the current goal 'good schools' for some, just as we have 'good health care' for some, 'good housing' for some, and 'good food' for some? ' Robert John Meehan
'Too many decisions about ed reform are made by people untouched by the change process.' Robert John Meehan
'We need to trust ourselves enough to recognize that how we are teaching now, though it worked for a while, may no longer be as effective.' Robert John Meehan
'A well prepared and engaging teacher is a catalyst… a spark that creates the desire to learn in our students.' Robert John Meehan
'When we pursue excellence, we gain a deeper understanding of our purpose as teachers.' Robert John Meehan
'Good teachers have to care about the student as much as they do the lesson.' Robert John Meehan
'If we really want to improve our education system, we need to listen to educators not businessmen who want to sell something as a magic bullet.' Robert John Meehan
'If we want to help children learn and develop, it is important that we don't drag or pull them - just walk with them.' Robert John Meehan
'Too many young Americans over-value sports, clothes, and cosmetics, and under-value learning. America needs a culture change.' Robert John Meehan
'Teaching was once a noble calling. It's now becoming too much of a venture capital opportunity.' Robert John Meehan
'Children are born addicted to learning. High-stakes assessments are drumming the love of learning out of kids.' Robert John Meehan
'Unless we eliminate the gross inequalities between all of us in real life, we should not presume that schools ALONE can compensate for them.' Robert John Meehan
'I have learned much from my teachers, more from my peers, but most from my students.' Robert John Meehan
'Mediocre teachers tend to talk mostly about teaching. Successful teachers talk exclusively about learning.' Robert John Meehan
'The blaming rhetoric in education these days clearly detracts from its mission to create life long learners that can adapt to change.' Robert John Meehan
'Ed reformers need to involve teachers. We know exactly what will bring about authentic reform. We think about this every day.' Robert John Meehan
'Neither poverty, nor the diverse nature of our population are excuses not to educate everyone.' Robert John Meehan
'Repeated high stakes testing can produce anxiety and depression in students. Few students thrive in such environments.' Robert John Meehan
'EVERY student has special talents. It is our duty to find these talents and to adapt our lessons to best implement them.' Robert John Meehan
'Teachers embrace accountability when it comes with the equivalent authority in decision-making.' Robert John Meehan
'The reason the ed reformers keep going at the teacher is that the real issues affecting education are too expensive and too daunting.' Robert John Meehan
'Although we may not have much control over the culture outside our walls, we can set expectations that uphold a higher standard.' Robert John Meehan
'When 50% of teachers leave within the first five years, it is clear that the principle solution does not lie in training more teachers.' Robert John Meehan
'Never be satisfied with how much you can instill in a student: it all pales in comparison to the futures they face.' Robert John Meehan
'An effective teacher is still the single most important school factor in a high-quality education.' Robert John Meehan
By Robert John Meehan
Sometimes a moment
Stands out in time
A new life discovered
By a moment in rhyme
Everything changed by
A single selection
A turning point made
In a moment's alliteration
A new life to continue
Discovered in rhyme
One moment that changed
My life for all time
In that moment of time
A difference was made
My turning point reached
A life's validity laid
My life's road discovered
By a lesson in rhyme
That road less traveled
Was that selection of mine
And that too has made
All the difference
By Robert John Meehan
In the stillness of the moment
Our eyes quietly meet
A nod from me approving
Good behavior in their seat
La Tisha and Amanda
Quietly working at their task
While Frederick and La Tonya
File up for questions yet to ask
Robert and Desmond
With counselor soon to meet
As Brian and Krishna
Resist playing footsie with their feet
In the solitude of the morning
My class is all on task
A smile from me Ok'ing
There'll be time for questions yet to ask
I can hear Michael sighing
As yesterday's homework's done
While noticing all the while
That Sara's just begun
With pencil to the paper
A whispering sound I hear
As Clarissa and Latoya
To Ronda lend an ear
Niki and Lakisha
This quiet moment to invest
Both silently preparing
Knowing tomorrow brings a test
Brandon and Malinda
Their attention never waning
Even Tyrone and Kevin
New knowledge are obtaining
While Anthony intently studies
The biography of Dr. King
Jackie's yet perceiving
Her book's new wonders soon to spring
Nodding and affirming
My smile fans the class
Not a sound unconfirming
That they're mindful of their task
Interrupts our private life
As little bodies scramble
To the gunfire's ambient strife
Glass shattering around them
Each immediate sanctuary sought
As frightened eyes search out mine
Wondering what of this we wrought
NO...Not just another drive-by
But the unveiling of a not so innocent truth
NO...Not just another drive-by
But a vile invasion of our precious youth
By Robert John Meehan
An inveigled law impossible to define
Or a ratiocination barring sensations sublime
Now be it a resolution
Benumbing meaningful hugs
While our reassuring arms are brazenly shackled
As if we were thugs
No longer a caring a closeness
Dare be perceived
Nor a lasting acceptance possibly believed
A new forbiddance of sharing souls
Now mandated by the court
By a purblind law demanding
Denying hugs now be tort
Relegating a closeness a bonding forbiddingly conceived
Dare a bad touch to a child be mistakenly perceived
Hence a comforting shield from unannounced harm
Now regulated by law... to a securing glance
Or meaningless words of charm
Now be it... a warm welcoming smile dissolves undiscovered
With only chance eye contact diminishing hope it's discovered
No longer a child shall a teacher's caring soul to greet
Nor our soul's selflessness without sharing hugs when we meet
A law regulating human hugs
They would deceivingly bestow
A hug at arm's length...
Is no way to greet a child we know!
By Robert John Meehan
You heard my voice
Long into the night
You felt my presence
As your dreams took flight
You tossed and turned
As I embattled your night
I made you squirm
Throughout this night
Your mind grew weary
As I demanded with spite
That in all your dreams
I belonged this night
I enslaved your dreams
As you cursed the night
From dusk till dawn
Not a moment's respite
Your thoughts soon turned
To this morning's first light
Knowing again this morning
Your patience I'll fight
You sensed my wrath
You knew your doom
Another day's energy
Will be mine too soon
Your hopes...desires
And lessons planned
All soon will fade
At my every demand
The floor is all swept
The desks are all kept
The classroom is lit
They know where to sit
The bell has now rung
For all you to greet
A January Fear
By Robert John Meehan
A sick day a sick day
I'll not make it all year
My class is all here
Down to each little sneer
A sick day a sick day
I'll not make it all year
Those cute little creatures
Have nothing to fear
A sick day a sick day
I'll not make it all year
Still knowing that teacher's
Not entirely here
A sick day a sick day
I'll not make it all year
Each little tear
Makes it perfectly clear
A sick day a sick day
I'll not make it all year
A day off is coming
And hopefully near
A sick day a sick day
I'll not make it all year
It's harder and harder
Maintaining my leer
A sick day a sick day
I'll not make it all year
Perhaps my behavior's
becoming quite queer
A sick day a sick day
I'll not make it all year
Perhaps in the morning
I'll call in and with fear
Alas, I can hear my principle jeer
With a resigning smirk easy to hear
By Robert John Meehan
Johnny's Walking down the hallway
hands neatly at his side
Johnny's walking down the hallway
all the rules he will abide
Johnny's walking down the hallway
having nothing much to hide
Johnny's walking down the hallway
teachers proudly step aside
Johnny's walking down the hallway
but his feet begin to glide
Johnny's skipping down the hallway
round the corner he'll soon slide
Johnny's running down the hallway
I quickly swallow my pride
Johnny's yelping down the hallway
a part of me just died
Johnny's staggering down the hallway
with poor Miss Vance he did collide
Johnny's crying down the hallway
thinking poor Miss Vance had died
Johnny's waiting down the hallway
til some teachers all decide
Johnny's whimpering down the hallway
his fragile ego they did chide
Now...Johnny's walking down the hallway
hands neatly at his side
Johnny's walking down the hallway
all the rules he will abide
Johnny's walking down the hallway
teachers proudly step aside
Egads...Johnny's fleeing down the hallway
I think I'll let it ride
Oh no...Johnny's missing down the hallway
I think I'll go and hide
Flash Cards
By Robert John Meehan
Flash cards flash cards
Hidden under my bed
Lest my mom drills me
Till I fall over dead
Addition Subtraction
What are all these facts
They don't seem to thrill me
Like feeding my rats
Take-a-ways and pluses
They're all just the same
Just a teacher's evil plan
to drive me insane
I can't seem to add
Without fingers to count
Who's ever to know
If they never find out
I'll never subtract
If it has to be
Cause no one I know
Takes a thing from me
So what if I answer
A single card right
Learning the rest
Would be too hard a fight
Math and arithmetic
Shouldn't ought to be
A young boy's mind
Should always be free
I've got places to go
And friends to see
No flash cards tonight
School ends at three
My mom just told me
A firm warning to be
Do flash cards tonight
Or there's no TV
Perhaps to my mother
I'll just pretend
Not finding my flash cards
Till too near the end
Or perhaps I'll reply
"I left them at school"
Hoping again
My mother to fool
As my mother walks
Towards me
It's too plain to see
A NEW box of flash cards
By Robert John Meehan
Positive outlook initiative and effort
Progress and friendship encouraging more effort
Expanding my interests building my skills
Effectiveness in work no longer just frills
Humor and focus with higher esteem
Critical thinking my teachers will gleam
Problem solving thinking abstractly
Handicaps dissolving progressing exactly
Now in control... My feelings to share
No one's to wonder...MY POTENTIAL BEWARE !
In Memoriam
By Robert John Meehan
A desk lies empty
A missing face to find
A child soon missed by some
Another life now consumed by one
A classmate questioned
A missing child to find
While a desk lies empty
A hope dwindles with time
As a child's life once abound
A child's fate is now found
While a desk lies empty
A lifeless child is found
As questions of why arise
A time for quiet tears to flow
While a desk lies empty
A prayer for a missed child we know
A quiet voice to miss
A child missed we know
While a desk lies empty
A question of why to know
A future now not to be
A tragic loss we are told
While a desk lies empty
An answer of why yet untold
A myriad of lives changed
Another youthful innocent lost
While a desk lies empty
At a life's innocence cost
A society believed so rich
And yet a life's worth so poor
While a desk lies empty
Another child's life's no more
A time to ponder a commitment
A life's question to answer
While a desk lies empty...
Science to Test
By Robert John Meehan
Apprehending, Applying, Along with Providing
While others are Obtaining, Extending ,or Classifying
Interring, Referring, and Randomizing too
Translating, Integrating, and Responding to
Comprehending, Visualizing ,and Processing some
Concluding, Paraphrasing, Improvising will come
Selecting, Classifying, Internalizing facts
Questioning, Sifting ,and watching the rats
Relating, Previewing, Forecasting the end
Comparing, Paraphrasing, Obtaining pure Zen
The Preferential PLEASE
By Robert John Meehan
"Pass a perfectly plain piece of picture paper."
was Paula's preliminary proclamation
A "Pass a perfectly plain piece of picture paper."
plainly perceived without the preferential PLEASE
Thus,"Pass a perfectly plain piece of picture paper."
perceived without the preferential PLEASE
will presumably predicate a precursory point
that a "Pass a perfectly plain piece of picture paper."
perceived without the preferential PLEASE
probably permits a plausible presumption
that passing a perfectly plain piece of picture paper
probably won't be permitted
primarily as a precautionary procedure
to prohibit possible presumptions that
a perfectly plain piece of picture paper
can be procured without the preferential PLEASE
thus "Pass a perfectly plain piece of picture paper."
preceded with the preferential PLEASE would be permitted
pending a parley with Paula to pattern
her perception that a "Pass a perfectly plain piece
of picture paper." would be plainly permitted
if prefaced with the perfunctory preferential PLEASE
By Robert John Meehan
I approach it with great hesitation
(all the while loathing my assigned destination)
Each child I lead permission received
(making note their interest is not well perceived)
Obedience was submitted by parental dictation
(warnings were made to hinder temptation)
Each one committed by orientation
(all the while fearing my mortification)
Soon to head off my worst inclination
(to act on my thoughts of prognostication)
Year after year with board justification
we make this trip for student dedication
Alas, my being filled with just pretension
if only I could leave each child in detention
I think it is obvious by this short deposition
that monitoring this bus is beyond my disposition
By Robert John Meehan
Now included and of value
I think I've found my pace
Now attentive and supportive
I assume my rightful place
Now accomplished and creative
I eagerly join the chase
Now responsible and directed
I promise anger to displace
Now showing initiative and acceptance
I feel exclusions no longer the case
Now beaming with pride and potential
I'm ready for teacher's welcoming embrace
A Teacher's Pledge
By Robert John Meehan
I'll be patient
I'll be concerned
I'll be committed
I'll be accepting
I'll be caring
I'll be modeling
I'll be including
I'll be interesting
I'll be assisting
I'll be reflective
I'll be focusing
I'll be embracing
I'll be amusing
I'll be enriching
I'll be forgiving
I'll be consoling
I'll just assign seat-work!
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